12 photos   1579 visits

xxKiss In The Last Song

kiss  kiss
kiss kiss
kiss you
kiss you

Comments • 3

Fan`s Miley Cyrus 30 June 2010  
bathrooms that you are not real and even Liam hemswortho you would not know what you saw Miley Cyrus to fool you, handicapped, ugly and stupid not to say I do not know why Nik Jonas Miley gave up for you a sucker. ........... With A fan's love Miley Cyrus and she's prettier than you dude
Fan`s Miley Cyrus 30 June 2010  
bai asta tu nu esti adevaratul liam hemswortho si chiar de ai fi nu stiu ce a vazut Miley Cyrus la tine esti fraier ,handicapat,urat si ca sa nu mai spun prost nu stiu de ce Miley a renuntat la Nik Jonas pentru tine un fraier............Cu drag Un fan a lui Miley Cyrus A si Ea e mai frumoasa ca tine fraiere
xoxoashley 30 June 2010  
super pics
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